Your higher self has no concept of our earthly time. In the time before time. The “now” is the place where intuition resides. I heard a call from the cosmos; of such illustrious beauty. I succumbed, answering the call of moon, to help her seed a new land where love was all

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    [ white crane ]

    inspired by story of the white crane  — a  metaphor for the sacred devotion of artists — giving a piece of ourselves in all our creations

    and new pieces 
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    [ sailor neptune ]

    inspired by the goddess of the ocean

    and new pieces 
  • look 47

    [ the snake and the peony ]

    inspired to the episode of Adam and Eve in the earthly paradise.

    and new pieces 
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    [ grandmother's kimono ]

    made from the designer's gradmother's deconstructed vintage kimonos in homage to her

    and new pieces